
Access to Termina API endpoints is secured using an HTTP Bearer token. Utilize your API key with the OAuth2 authorization flow to obtain your JWT Bearer token. Include this token in the header of your requests to securely access your data. The JWT contains user-specific roles granting permission to different resources.

Request and Response Errors

HTTP Status CodeDescription
401 UnauthorizedThe request lacks valid authentication credentials or the provided token is invalid.
403 ForbiddenThe client does not have sufficient permission to access the requested resource.
404 Not FoundThe requested resource could not be found.
409 ConflictThe request is trying to create or update a resource that already exists or has conflicting information.
422 Unprocessable EntityThe request is well-formed but contains semantic errors.

Additional Information

If a client exceeds the rate limit, a 429: Too Many Requests response will be returned. JWTs created using your API key have a 1 hour expiration and will need to be refreshed at regular intervals to avoid authentication errors.

Security Scopes

Access permissions are determined by the permissions of the user associated with the API key. The Termina API supports the following security scopes: {group}:{resource}:{reader/editor}

groupAccess to group information, group management, add/remove members, etc.
userAccess to user information, updating your own information, etc.
dealAccess to deal information, updating deals, adding files, etc
dataAccess to product, financial, benchmark, etc. data
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