User Accounting
Get the product user accounting for the company associated with the deal.
Path parameters
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Successful Response
The date of the entry.
The number of active users in the period.
The number of retained users from the last period in the current period.
The number of new users in the period.
The number of resurrected users in the period.
The number of churned users in the period.
3-month user count growth rate, for monthly frequency.
6-month user count growth rate, for monthly frequency.
12-month user count growth rate, for monthly frequency.
1-quarter user count growth rate, for quarterly frequency.
2-quarter user count growth rate, for quarterly frequency.
4-quarter user count growth rate, for quarterly frequency.
The logo retention rate, defined as retained / active over last period.
The quick ratio, defined as (resurrected + new) / churned.